Freedom walks in defence of the environment
Walk through the town’s streets in honour of the 50th anniversary of Freedom Day, 25 April, and also in defence of the environment. Students and teachers collecting waste along the…
Erasmus+ Project KA3 – Support for Policy Reform 21506-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN
Erasmus+ Project KA3 – Support for Policy Reform 21506-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN
Walk through the town’s streets in honour of the 50th anniversary of Freedom Day, 25 April, and also in defence of the environment. Students and teachers collecting waste along the…
Construction of game boards to play with robots, thinking and talking how to save and protect the oceans. Post Views: 5,316
En el CEIP Gonzalo de Berceo, se ha involucrado todo el centro. Paseando por sus pasillos uno puede ver que han creado rincones verdes por todos los pasillos: En la…
On World Tree Day at our school, we planted our trees and contributed to the afforestation and maintenance of the green spaces. Post Views: 4,688
Reusing disposable water bottles as flower vases for mums! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor…
His Holiness Dalai Lama has sent to the project's partners a letter to support the amazing children's work to create a Environmental rights charter
Kovo mėnesį Panevėžio „Šaltinio“ mokyklos vestibiulį puošia 7-ų klasių mokinių konstrukcinių medžiagų paroda „Velykinė stilizuota dekoracija“. Tai viena iš projekto „Judėjimas: mokykla be plastiko“ (School Plastic Free Movement) veiklų. Post…
Kovo 1–29 d. progimnazijoje organizuojamas „Gerumo mėnuo“. 5–8 klasių mokiniai dalyvauja akcijoje „Padovanok paukšteliui namus“. Prie vyresnių klasių mokinių prisideda ir pradinukai.Kovo 18–19 d. pagaminti inkilai eksponuojami I aukšto fojė,…
On the 27th of April in Verona, an open free conference about the school as cultural immigration and social emigration. Everyone is welcome.
Awareness-raising action for school sports students on the importance of preserving the environment. Focusing on the theme of recycling, a human board game entertained the participants and allowed them to…
About Christmas decorations...
Construction of Christmas trees with recyclable materials, by students from a group of schools in Cuba, Portugal
We are pleased to invite schools from all over the world to engage in a groundbreaking initiative school-to-school activity aiming to encourage classrooms collaboration from different parts of the world…
SPEM project invites everybody to reduce the use of plastic during Christmas holiday
4 extraordinary lessons on how to save the planet by Vandana Shiva
Tikslas – Taikant teorines žinias ištirti upelį – apskaičiuoti upės tėkmės greitį, gylį, plotį, paimti mėginį ir stebėti per mikroskopą, sutvarkyti aplinką. Rezultatas: · Surinkę duomenis mokiniai apskaičiavo tėkmės greitį…
Laboratorio sul riuso e riciclo per imparare a produrre meno rifiuti e creare con materiale da buttare
Many classes of the school grouping promoted cleaning actions in the school, one class at a time, periodically. This action is part of the school project and aims to raise…
I team di tutte le scuole partecipanti ad Alta Marea Verde
Scopriamo il viaggio dell'acqua e di come la plastica stia inquinando tutto l'ambiente.
Alla scoperta di alcune caratteristiche dell'acqua
Anche le piante comunicano e hanno una loro voce. Ascoltiamola assieme.
Riuso, Riciclo, Riduzione, Riparazione, Raccolta differenziata
Paminėdami Pasaulinę vandens dieną, Panevėžio r. Paliūniškio pagrindinės mokyklos jungtinės priešmokyklinio ugdymo grupės vaikai kalbėjosi apie vandens reikšmę visai gyvajai gamtai, samprotavo, kaip elgtis, kad visiems būtų gera gyventi ir…
Giochiamo con materiale di riciclo
Impariamo a seminare e a prenderci cura delle piantine.
Scopriamo insieme alcune proprietà dell'aria.
Impariamo a riconoscere i materiali di cui sono fatti i rifiuti e dove conferirli.
Ma quante ne so? Quiz con domande di diversa natura sull'ambiente
Laboratorio su come si costruisce un orto in serra e costruzione di un vasetto completamente biodegradabile
Scopriamo la differenza tra i due termini e riutilizziamo con fantasia ciò che non serve più per creare qualcosa di nuovo.
Impariamo a riconoscere i simboli per il riciclo sui prodotti che acquistiamo
Salviamo il mare e le sue meraviglie! Cosa c’è nel profondo blu? E cosa si può trovare nella pancia di un pesce?
Salviamo il mare e le sue meraviglie! Cosa c’è nel profondo blu? Cosa abbiamo visto in vacanza al mare, sulla spiaggia e in acqua con gli occhialini? Scopriamo cosa si…
L'aria non si vede eppure è fondamentale per la nostra esistenza, rispettarla è un dovere. Con una serie di esperimenti capiamo come si comporta e quali sono le sue caratteristiche.
Laboratorio sul riuso e riciclo per imparare a produrre meno rifiuti
L'attività stimola ad uno studio delle etichette informative dei prodotti per acquisti più consapevoli e senza plastica
Descrizione di un'attività in cui si possono scoprire le caratteristiche dell'aria
Descrizione di un'attività sul riuso e recupero di oggetti e materiali ritenuti non più utili
Descrizione di un'attività per incrementare la conoscenza dei vari materiali con cui sono fatti i prodotti di uso quotidiano. Come si fa a smaltire i vari tipi di materiali?
Descrizione di un'attività per scoprire le caratteristiche dell'acqua
Descrizione di un'attività per far scoprire ai bambini cosa si nasconde nella pancia dei pesci
Formatore Orazio Sciuto Evento in presenza presso Scuola "Antonio Pacinotti", via Fattori 13 Verona (possibilità di partecipare anche a distanza tramite collegamento online o visionando la lezione registrata) 6 -…
This course proposing a series of lessons covering the micro-language and associated grammar on the theme of environmental topics to allow participating schools and teachers to communicate with colleagues from…
Spalio 24 d. Velžio gimnazijos 2 b klasės ir Panevėžio „Vilties“ progimnazijos 3 b klasės mokiniai, vykdydami Panevėžio rajono švietimo centro „Erasmus+“ projektą ekologijos tema „Judėjimas: mokykla be plastiko“ („School…
Laboratori di Alta Marea verde Italia a cui iscriversi
On 16 November 2021, the Eco School Day was celebrated at the School Grouping of Cuba, and one of the activities held was the hoisting of the Green Flag of…
An initiative to clean up the public space, raise awareness of waste management and the importance of native flora took place in Culatra. Post Views: 7,925
The 8th grade students worked on an alert and awareness raising project about Sustainable Waste Management, namely about recycling and its importance, in the discipline of Nature Sciences. Post Views:…
The 2nd and 3rd cycle students carried out several activities to learn about the biodiversity of our planet and region. Post Views: 12,928
The 8th grade Natural Sciences students participated in the UHU challenge – Biodiversity Panel and, under the Ecosystems Theme, they researched the biodiversity of the Montado – typical ecosystem of…
The 8th grade classes at our school have this year built their own gardens of aromatic and other herbs. They used reusable and recyclable materials in the construction of these…
The different pre-school classes and some 1st and 2nd cycle classes made their Christmas decorations with recyclable materials. Materials were also reused to build decorations at school and for various…
Throughout the school year, the students collected electrical and electronic waste and batteries from the Geração Depositrão Project. We also collected cork stoppers and plastic caps. Post Views: 11,427
Plastics reduction awareness campaign- ecoaditories in the schools:
I bambini scoprono le fasi per coltivare una piantina
Workshops during youth holidays: Construction of nature postcards, animated cap tanks, charcoal pencil drawings and nature observation paintings.Contact with and awareness of issues related to the environment and its preservation.…
I bambini scoprono il micro mondo delle api!
Carrying out alert and awareness-raising activities on the sustainable management of water, its importance and saving. Post Views: 12,911
Use of various materials to build decorations and other works.Construction of ecopoints that missing in some classrooms. Post Views: 12,595
Šiais mokslo metais 2 b klasės mokiniai dalyvauja Panevėžio rajono švietimo centro organizuojamo „Erasmus+“ KA3 projekto „Judėjimas: mokykla be plastiko“ (angl. „School Plastic Free Movement“) veiklose „Aš – draugiškas gamtai!“…
Balandžio 28 d. Panevėžio r. Dembavos lopšelis-darželis „Smalsutis“ sukvietė rajono priešmokyklinukus į tradicinę priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų gamtamokslinę – praktinę konferenciją „Mes gamtos vaikai 2022“. Tai jau penktoji, jubiliejinė konferencija, kurią…
1b klasės mokiniai Panevėžio gamtos mokykloje tęsia atliekų tyrinėjimą. Šįkart pirmokai nagrinėjo atliekas, kurios, paliktos gamtoje, gali tapti mirtinais spąstais gyvūnams. Atlikdami įvairias užduotis, mokiniai aiškinosi, kodėl ir kokiems gyvūnams…
Pusė metų! Tiek laiko 1b klasė vykdė ilgalaikę patyriminę veiklą „Kas kaip suyra?“. Spalio mėnesį pirmokai aptarė, kodėl ne vietoje palikta šiukšlė teršia žemę, vandenį ir orą, išsiaiškino, kad plastikas…
2022 m. kovo mėnesį 3 klasės mokiniai susipažino su Panevėžio rajono švietimo centro organizuojamo projekto „Judėjimas: mokykla be plastiko“ (angl. „School Plastic Free Movement“ metodine-vaizdine priemone „Spalvoti konteineriai“ ir žaidimai…
Piniavos mokyklos-darželio pradinukai įsitraukė į Panevėžio r. švietimo centro organizuojamą projektą „Judėjimas: mokykla be plastiko“ („School Plastic Free Movement“, Nr. 621506- EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN), kurį remia Europos komisija. 2021 m. spalio 28…
Piniavos mokyklos-darželio pradinukai tęsia Panevėžio r. švietimo centro organizuojamo projekto „Judėjimas: mokykla be plastiko“ („School Plastic Free Movement“ veiklas. 2021 m. lapkričio 26 d. mokyklos-darželio ketvirtokai pirmokams vedė užsiėmimą „Galvočiukė…
Title of the activity / practice Mother Earth – The greenhuse garden Origin of the activity High Green Tide Age of the students 6 – 10 years old Target group…
Title of the activity / practice Zzzz…The teeny tiny world of bees! Origin of the activity High Green Tide Age of the students 6 – 10 years old Target group…
Title of the activity / practice Let’s explore the water! Origin of the activity High Green Tide Age of the students 6 – 10 years old Target group (type of…
This activity was carried out in Nuh Eskiyapan Primary School in June 2022 with active participation of the students under the guidance of Ms. Betül Özdemir.
This activity was carried out in Hacıbayram Lower Secondary School in June 2022 with active participation of the students under the guidance of Ms. Özlem Yazıcı.
The Effects of Plastic Pollution
Why We Need to Stop Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans
There are many reasons to join our movement. The first one is educate the future generations to avoid our mistakes in order to preserve and save the planet. We are…
Infografía con recursos para trabajar en el aula sobre la temática ambiental desde la inclusión y la equidad educativa
Zero Waste Italy per SPEM - corso di formazione sulla riduzione dei rifiuti e sulla tutela ambientale
Post Views: 13,515
Laboratori di scrittura narrativa sull'ambiente
This course proposing a series of lessons covering the micro-language and associated grammar on the theme of environmental topics to allow participating schools and teachers to communicate with colleagues from…
La prima scuola senza plastica a Favara in Sicilia