This deliverables collects the documented experiences and the lesson plans created by teachers trained in the use of the SPEM teaching methodology and is addressed to all the educators interested in applying an engaging strategy to include students at risk, to promote environmental awareness and to improve STEM competences in a participative way.
Through the implementation of these lesson plans, students are expected to develop – in an inclusive environment – a deeper understanding of the STEM contribution to the sustainability, cultivate eco-friendly habits, and become advocates for sustainable living both within and beyond the school. By equipping students with the necessary knowledge and skills, the lesson plans aim to foster a culture of environmental consciousness and responsibility among the younger generation.
The collection of lesson plan is divided by main topics addressed or their contents: Plastic, Recycling, Educational robotics & programming, Whole school year/long term projects, Sustainability, Art & Language, Activities for high cognitive potential students.
Lesson plans and other Open Educational Resources
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