Title of the activity / practice

Mother Earth – The greenhuse garden

Origin of the activity

High Green Tide

Age of the students

6 – 10 years old

Target group (type of the learners, size of the group)

This workshop can be developed in groups of 3/5 pupils
School subjects + topics concerned

Science, Art, Technology

Educational goals of the practice

Manipulate  and use natural materials (water, soil, seeds)

Collaborate in the construction of the greenhouse

Encourage collaboration between pupils

Fostering the development of  “scientific thinking”: describing, explaining, listening

Carry out some phases of pot cultivation (preparing the soil, sowing, watering)

Making small commitments and keeping them over time

Note the difference and/or similarity between different seeds

Take note of the plants’ growth phases


2 hours 


School garden or classroom

Materials / Resources / technical requirements Kit “Greenhouse”, toilet paper roll, soil, seeds, scissors, glue, colours, recycled A4 sheet
Description of the activity


The activity started by asking some questions to pupils:
– Do you know what a greenhouse is and what it is used for?
– Which plants are grown in a greenhouse? Why?
– How does it work and what phases are there in the plant life cycle?

Main phase:

The children are divided into groups so that they can work together to:

Prepare and assemble the greenhouse (kit)
Rehydrate the peat provided in the kit
Sow the seeds provided in the kit

Place the pots of biodegradable material in the appropriate spaces inside the greenhouse

Additional activity:

Build a jar with recycled and biodegradable material to take home

Prepare a small book by using a recycled A4 sheet to keep note of the growing process of the plant


The pupils discuss the activity and plan the future moments in which they will compare the results of their work (taking care of the new plant)

Further elements (optional)


The pupils collaborated and participated with enthusiasm and dedication. They were curious, and asked questions about the timing of plant growth and when they would be able to harvest the sown vegetables.

Link to helpful external resources (optional)  
Link to activity results (video, pictures, projects, etc.)  

Tips for educators / theoretical background or curriculum context


More varieties of seeds could be sown and, given the enthusiasm of the children, a garden could be proposed to the school to be tended during the course of the school year, with the sowing of different vegetables depending on the season.

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