Title of the activity / practice

Zzzz…The teeny tiny world of bees!

Origin of the activity

High Green Tide

Age of the students

6 – 10 years old

Target group (type of the learners, size of the group)


The workshop can be developed in groups of 3/5 pupils

School subjects + topics concerned

Science, Art, Technology, Italian 

Educational goals of the practice

– Stimulating interest in the world of bees
– Stimulating the spirit of observation
– Create awareness of the importance of bees and their difficulty in surviving because of humans
– Recognising the evolutionary phases of the bee and the activities associated with it
– Supporting group work


2 hours


School garden or classroom

Materials / Resources / technical requirements

Carton, toilet paper rolls, paper eggs cups, brushes, paint, a book (about bees), flashcards with information about bees

Description of the activity


Reading a story about the life of bees

Main phase:

Let’s play a game! Make groups of 3/5 children. They have to link pictures with the name of some special bees to cards on which is described their specific “job”. On these cards, children find out how long that kind of bee lives. 

Create the Teeny tiny world of bees (flowers, bees, beehives…) with recycled and reused materials.

Conclusions: Children talked about their experiences and receive a special pencil that contains a seed to be planted.

Further elements (optional)


The pupils showed curiosity, interest and a desire to know. They asked many questions about the world of bees, how they manage to produce honey, why they make it and how they use it, about the beehive. They understood the fundamental importance of bees for our well-being and existence.

Link to useful external resources (optional)


Link to activity results (video, pictures, projects, etc.)


Tips for educators / theoretical background or curriculum context


Children always enjoy laboratory activities, more space could be given to the laboratory while still involving them in reflection and observation, stimulating their scientific thinking.

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