Schools Plastic-frEe Movement:
English for the Environment second
online course 

This course is online, free of charge, and proposes a series of lessons covering the micro-language and associated grammar on the theme of environmental topics to allow participating schools and teachers to communicate with colleagues from other European countries about their activities and transfer the micro-language to children. The course is for adult learners who don’t feel confident enough in communicating and who need to build their vocabulary and practice their grammar. 

Each lesson will be 1.5 hours and will use the opportunity provided by the subject matter to cover relevant micro-language and associated grammar forms for teachers involved in the project activities and who are taking part in the schools plastic-free movement. 

All the participants will receive a participation certificate based on the number of hours of attendance provided they attend at least 75% of the total hours of the course

The certificate will be emitted by Polo Europeo della Conoscenza, the Project’s coordinator Organization, a Public body in Italy and It is valid as training credits. For those requiring we will prepare also the Europass certificate.

Note: This course is only open to all the teachers who are willing to join the Plastic-Free Schools network.

The total duration is 15 meetings online for teachers.

Session Date Time Topic
1 Thursday 12th of January 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Introduction to the series – aims and inputs
Thursday 26th of January 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Fossil Fuels- bioenergy and Fossil Fuels- the pros and cons
Thursday 16th of February 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Electrification – why electric?
Thursday 09th of March 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Bizarre weather – is the weather getting worse?
Thursday 23rd of March 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Climate information and misinformation – who should we believe?
6 Thursday 13th of April 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Global development – helping others
7 Thursday 20th of April 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time The oceans – the crisis in the unseen world
8 Thursday 04th of May 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Air pollution – the state of the art
9 Thursday 18th of May 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Invasive species – health effects 
10 Thursday 12th of October 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Energy – renewables and the nuclear solution
11 Thursday 16th of November 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time The age of extinction – protecting biodiversity 
12 Thursday 23rd of November 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Chemicals on the land and in your food 
13 Thursday 29th of November 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Plastics – reducing, reusing and recycling
14 Thursday 07th of December 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time Food and farming – having enough to eat
15 Thursday 14th of December 2023 17:00-18:30 Rome time  Conclusions and feedback

The course will be delivered by Dr Gordon Kennedy PhD, freelance science educator with a broad experience of teaching adults and students.

To join the course please fill the form here. All the participants will be added to the schools plastic free movement googlegroup and to join our community on Viber. Further communication will be available by email.

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