Dalai Lama’s Letter of support to the Project’s Environmental Rights charter
His Holiness Dalai Lama has sent to the project's partners a letter to support the amazing children's work to create a Environmental rights charter
Creaiamo insieme un network di scuole senza plastica
His Holiness Dalai Lama has sent to the project's partners a letter to support the amazing children's work to create a Environmental rights charter
Į jau tradicine tapusią , aštuntąją priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų gamtamokslinę – praktinę konferenciją „Mes-gamtos vaikai 2024“ Dembavos lopšelyje-darželyje „Smalsutis“ kovo 6 d. rinkosi mažieji gamtos mylėtojai ir tyrinėtojai. Konferenciją organizavo…
On the 27th of April in Verona, an open free conference about the school as cultural immigration and social emigration. Everyone is welcome.