This activity was carried out in Hacıbayram Lower Secondary School in June 2022 with active participation of the students under the guidance of Ms. Özlem Yazıcı.


Name of the Activity Watch Out! Plastic Bottle  
Purpose of this activity To increase awareness about the use of plastic and to reduce use of plastic.  
Target group’s age 11-13
Number of students 120
Contribution to knowledge and skills – Learning about the different types of plastics and their usage throughout the history – Encouraging research –  Developing critical thinking –  Encouraging creativity in problem solving – Developing communication and dialogue skills – Developing responsible consumption attitudes  
Duration 40+40 minutes (Research and presentations lasted 5 days)  
Place School (garden, classrooms and canteen)  
Implementation of the activity     First of all, the students who will work voluntarily in the project were determined. A meeting was held with the students and they were given the task of research and presentation on the following topics. Subjects assigned for presentation and research; Researching the historical process of use of plastic.What are the plastic products used in daily life today?Why is plastic harmful? What is microplastic?How can we reduce the use of plastic? The assigned students presented the presentations they prepared as a result of the research to their friends. As a result of our research; Most plastic bottles and bags are thrown away,Single-use plastics pollute the nature,It has been determined that the use of plastic in our school can be reduced with the measures and recommendations to be taken.Students who listened to the presentation were asked for solution suggestions to reduce the use of plastic. Posters and an awareness board at the school were prepared to reduce the use of plastic. It was decided to implement the recommendations to be taken in the future and to encourage students not to use single-use plastics.
Evaluation Throughout the activity It has been observed that most of the single-use plastics are thrown into the nature and this increases the production of plastic. In addition, when the students saw the photos, they realized that more disposable plastics were thrown away than they expected, and this could be prevented.  
Pictures from activity  

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